© CC-BY-NC-ND | Francis Broek

In 68 Tagen

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys

Auf einen Blick

Die Künstlerin Lucy Kruger ist dafür bekannt, Musik voller Atmosphäre und Intensität zu kreieren.

Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys, a Berlin-based art-pop and tender noise ensemble, have captivated audiences across Europe with their atmospheric and intense performances. Led by South African-born artist Lucy Kruger (guitar and vocals) and featuring Liú Mottes (guitar), Jean-Louise Parker (viola and vocals), Gidon Carmel (drums), and Reuben Kemp (bass), the band’s music is both intimate and angular—droning and dream-like in moments, driving, direct, and on the edge of desperation in others. Caringly confrontational.
Their latest album, A Human Home, released on May 31st, is a lo-fi, intimate collection exploring themes of belonging and home. The album features a mix of accidental and deliberate remote collaborations, capturing a unique, personal, yet universally resonant moment. Before this, Heaving—a vivid and visceral compilation—was released in April 2023 under Unique Records (EU) and Metropolis Records (USA).
Between 2019 and 2022, Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys released a trilogy of albums: Teen Tapes (for performing your own stunts) (2022), Transit Tapes (for women who move furniture around) (2021), and Sleeping Tapes for Some Girls (2019). These albums have been showcased across Europe, earning the band recognition for their live performances at festivals such as Orange Blossom Special, In-Music, Roadburn, Grauzone, Reeperbahn, Wave-Gotik-Treffen, New Colossus Festival, Fusion Festival, Left of The Dial, and Synästhesie.
Lucy Kruger’s voice has also featured on recent releases by Swans, The Underground Youth, and The Frank Popp Ensemble. In June 2023, the band received the Europavox Spotlight Prize, and Lucy was selected for the Keychange initiative, a global network promoting gender equality in the music industry. Keychange is led by Reeperbahn Festival in Germany, PRS Foundation in the UK, and Musikcentrum Öst in Sweden, with support from Creative Europe.

Looking ahead, Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys are preparing for their November 2024 European Tour and working on a new album for release in 2025.

For fans of PJ Harvey, Blonde Redhead, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Sonic Youth, Cate Le Bon.

Support: Jonny
Die in Südafrika geborene und in Berlin lebende Multi-Instrumentalistin Jean-Louise Parker hat die meiste Zeit ihrer 15-jährigen Karriere in der Musikbranche damit verbracht, mit anderen aufzutreten und als treuer Sidekick für viele tourende Künstler zu fungieren.
Derzeit tourt sie mit Lucy Kruger And The Lost Boys, Lucas Laufen, Minru und hat auch zwei gemeinsame Projekte, die Dream-Pop-Band Academie, die in Südafrika einen beachtlichen kommerziellen Erfolg erzielt hat, sowie ein brandneues Indie-Art-Rock-Projekt, Crow Baby. Jonny ist ihr musikalisches Solo-Alterego. Jonny ist ein sehr persönliches Projekt. Bewaffnet mit dröhnenden Bratschenschleifen und düsteren Gitarren reichen die Songs von postapokalyptischen Schlafliedern bis hin zu schrulligen Balladen, allesamt durchtränkt von Melancholie, Tragik und Hall.

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KuBa Jena
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de/veranstaltung/lucy-kruger-the-lost-boys


Cosmic Dawn e. V.
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de

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