© CC-BY-NC-ND | Tara Ozem

In 18 Tagen

Irnini Mons

Auf einen Blick

Französischer Post Punk

French rock outfit Irnini Mons approach post-punk in an oblique, candid way. With the intent of contributing to the relevancy of modern guitar-based music, they put their four personas at work since 2021 to craft a mixed, diverse solution of indie, progressive, pop and grungy rock. Formed with ex-members of the former punk band Decibelles (endorsed by the legendary producer Steve Albini), the four musicians all sing, sometimes in solo, sometimes in polyphony, always in French.
After touring intensely in several European countries, including a run with Shellac in 2022 and prestigious festivals (Trans Musicales – Rennes, MENT – Ljubljana, MaMA Music & Convention – Paris), the band released its first full length album in spring 2024.

Fanny Bouland (drums, vocals)
Guillaume Carle (bass, vocals)
Sabrina Duval (guitar, vocals)
Valentin Fayaud (guitar, vocals)

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Auf der Karte

KuBa Jena
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de/veranstaltung/irnini-mons


Cosmic Dawn e. V.
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416
Webseite: www.kuba-jena.de

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